No Vote on November Ballot for 3 Californias

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Up until very recently people may have been wondering if 3 California states were in our future?

That option has gone away…at least for now.

As you probably are aware approval was recently granted to place this measure on the November ballot for voters. While they may have voted in favor, there was a lot that had to actually happen following the vote for it to take effect, including approval by Congress. There were some substantial hurdles to be faced.

The California State Supreme Court has now removed that controversial from the November 2018 ballot, no doubting upsetting supporters, and in particular the man spearheading this effort – billionaire Timothy Draper. You can read more about the Supreme Court’s decision here.

You’ve probably heard of the Cal 3 initiative that proposes our California government be divided into 3 separate entities – Southern California, California, and Northern California, or perhaps other names selected by the residents. This initiative was the brainchild of billionaire Timothy Draper and enough valid signatures were received, over 400,000, in order to get it on the ballot in November.

No doubt this matter is not dead and we will hear more in the future.